Thursday, November 13, 2008

Senior Mr. W

Hey Senior W thanks for playing for the afternoon. We had to do a little puddle jumping for some of these pics.

Family L

Thank you Family L for meeting me at the Lake. It was a great afternoon chasing these sweets kids around, they learned to love the camera!!

Sadly a Senior

These are some pics of one of my favorite seniors, he's a great athlete and citizen, his mama and papa have done well!!

Hannah Marie

I had a great time taking Ms. Hannah's photos. She tried to pretend to be shy at first, but then she got her groove going and she was showing me where she could stand and pose. We were trying to get some shots in between rain showers and some of my very favorite shots were with her beat up umbrella!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We headed to Lake Ozette at the tip top of the Olympic National Rain Forest this past summer. Once we made the 3 mile hike to the coast the very first thing that David spotted were this doe and her fawn wading in the water, it was pretty amazing. On the way home we stopped at Rialto Beach, a favorite of David's and a new discovery for me. We are going back this weekend, I can't wait!!

Joeleen Faces the Zip Line

Oh my goodness, I almost forgot about my act of bravery last May!! I attended a Christian women's retreat last May and I actually forced myself on the zip line. For those of you who know me well, I know how proud you will be of me!! I have an incredible fear of heights and falling!! Okay, so it wasn't the highest zip line in the world, but I am quite proud of myself!!

Monday, November 3, 2008


So, I am already out of order but I have to go back to this day at the beach. Kristine and I took Lily and Lucy for the day in April and it was a glorious, unbelievably warm day.

Here are a few pictures of a hike that David and I did the anniversary weekend of Mt. St. Helens. We started out about 5 p.m. on Friday night and we had a ton of snow. I could not find my hiking boots so I wore the next best thing, trail tennis shoes and let me inform you my ankles froze!! But we saw the most incredible sunset!! We made it back to the truck about 9 I think just in time for the sun to be gone and a bucket of chicken waiting for us for dinner. It tasted wonderful!!

Where in the world have I been??

I know I have been here and there and everywhere the last 6 months and I am going to be posting a bajillion, okay about 20 or 30 pictures. I am finally "living" Love This Life Photography and it feels awesome. I am going to try to get caught up from March. We will see how I do!!